Category Archives: Aromatherapy

Here are 5 ways to live in balance during Autumn.

Autumn is here: 5 ways  to stay balanced during a seasonal change Autumn’s shift to darker nights and cooler days can leave you feeling a little out of balance both physically and spiritually. With summer about to end, not only will you start to notice the leaves turning deep yellow, red and, brown, you may […]

Get Ready to be Autumn/Winter Confident!

  Get Ready to be Autumn/Winter Confident! Nature has a beautiful way of teaching us about life. The change in seasons is a subtle but profound reminder that nothing stays the same and in order for us to succeed, we must, not only be open to change, but also learn to expect it! I would […]

Essential Oils and Animals

What is Aromatherapy ? Make the most of your animals excellent sense of smell by harnessing the power of essential oils.     Aromatherapy is One of our oldest healing practices. It uses the rapid healing power of essential oils to resolve a vast range of problems, so promoting physical, emotional and spiritual health. Each […]